Book Safari

Posted by Nette on Aug 26, 2009 in Uncategorized

Wow, so long since I wrote and so many things to try and remember to share with you. Best, perhaps if we go backwards with this week’s great adventures which have included visits to Pottsville Public school – and what great story making we did there – and Cooparoo and Our Lady of Lourdes and MacDowall State school and before that some great work done in Grand Avenue State School. There are some amazing students in all these places and some even more amazing ideas – I loved it all.

Last Saturday I went to Brisbane to the San Marco Cafe and had brunch with a crowd of aspiring writers and excellent readers. Greg Rogers and I talked about our new book called “Pyro Watson and the Hidden Treasure” – I talked and read a bit and Greg drew some lovely pictures of Calamity…and everyone got to design their own pirate to begin with.

On Friday I went to another morning tea ceremony at the State Library of Queensland. This is such a wonderful place – and there’s a tree there that I reckon must be hundreds of years old – its so brilliant. I was dying to climb down and take some photos but got so busy talking to new writers and other IMPORTANT people that I didn’t quite make it. We looked at books and books and then more books and then I heard my name read out on the Queensland Premier’s short list for Sprite Downberry. Isn’t she a little cracker! short listed in NSW and now short listed in Queensland. Fingers crossed for her.

So, happy safari-ing – I’ve been reading book with animals in them but you could read books that have ‘b’ in the title, or books that have red on the cover, or books with maps….you know that list is endless.

Have fun and stay safe,


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